Last time I was in California I was 18 years old with an unfounded tendency for rebellion. My best friend, Steph and I were visiting her soon to be college campus in Santa Barbara- this was our very first solo trip after high school. In hindsight this trip would be a sort of premonition for things to come; we experienced many firsts out there in Cali... I somehow ended up with a cross tattoo on the back of my neck... and Steph with the Chinese symbol for Scorpio.

Eleven years later I was happy to be returning to California a more mature version of my 18 year old self. This time to Northern Cali via San Francisco along the very curvy road to Santa Cruz. Three of my best friends from college (and a pug and a sister and a mentor/friend I met in Bhutan) have made Santa Cruz their home. These three ladies have been by my side dancing, growing, evolving since those larger than life years in Charleston. Together we've survived some of the highest highs and lowest lows of the human experience. Through the best and worst of times we came together; leaning on each other for support, shoulders wet with tears, picking each other up (literally) and when necessary, putting each other in her place. People say that in order to understand joy you must experience pain... I am so proud to see how these women have each transformed personal struggle into something far more productive, impactful, caring.
The four of us being together after so long made me think back to the days of the Indo board...and I realized that it is an appropriate metaphor for our lives: At first you have no balance, the board sliding wildly from left to right. You fall, the board hits you in the ankle but someone helps you up, holds your hand and slowly the swings become less extreme. Now your beginning to understand the balance, you've got your groove; patient, focused, relaxed. You casually sip a cocktail as you slow the board to a gentle rock keeping rhythm of the bass. The Indo- board, like time, teaches us how to handle the extremes of life; how to find balance and relax into ourselves and the world. With time things will eventually level out, you will find the sweet spot; that perfect balance between struggle and flow.

Santa Cruz seems to have found the balance too. Waking up that first morning in the forest and looking down across the mountains to the Pacific Ocean, it was easy to understand why you're all so captivated by this place. It has everything a girl could want; mountains/ocean, forest/beach, nature/ city, hippies/professionals, high end/humble. The girls executed a well thought out plan to seduce me into joining the California Raisins; ten days full of boats, Pacific swims, fresh fish, wine, farms, picnics, roadtrips, beach music, kitten snuggles, belly laughs and lots and lots of quality west coast lovin.
My soulshine sisters, I am so happy to see you all flourishing- your passion and determination is palpable. You have chosen a beautiful place to create your lives and have surrounded yourselves with authentic people. I cannot wait to see what the next few years will bring as you throw yourselves into your work and relationships. I am forever humbled and inspired by your generosity, your strength, your compassion. Thank you for staying true to the girls I met almost ten years ago. I like to think that we've become better versions of ourselves and I can say with certainty that I would not be the person I am today without the three of you.
Irene, what a serendipitous encounter! I am always surprised each time the world brings someone into my life at the exact moment that I need them most. Working with you opened up a world of possibilities and taught me that I have many strengths to offer the world. I so enjoyed the curating process and watching your orchestrate that mess of a production that it could quite possibly change the trajectory of my career path. Thank you for your patience and honesty in a place where these two things are so so vital. You are fabulous.
Onward and upward, dear friends! All the love, always.

Capt'n Mikey! |
This is a Sunfish. Strange lookin fella |
Farmer Mikey! |
harvesting dinner |
missing his twin brother |
Poolside family day at Irene's! Bhutan > Cali > where next??? |
roooooadtrip |
Carmel, you're adorable |
picnic on a Pacific sand dune |
windstache |
millionaire hobbit house |
Southbound on the 1 |
Back in the neighborhood. Hayley's front yard |
last night dinner and music. and one tequila shot with Jansen |
And just like that I was gone! SanFran> Tokyo > Bangkok > Paro. Happened to double check my flight time late that night and had to organize a much earlier airport departure than expected. Fortunately I had this wrinkly raisinette to calm down my pre-flight jitters. The trip was perfect. I love you! Lots of dance parties in our future, amigas. See you soon.
My early morning airport shuttle crew
P.S. Brett, how did we not take a single photo together?? Love ya lil' lady with the old soul.
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