Friday, February 1, 2013

Home on the Nahuel Huapi

The boys are gone and Mauro is in route to Colorado for the winter so I am left alone with Pelusita to take care of the casa for the month of December. I immediately unpack my mochila, hang clothes in the closet, clean, rearrange the furniture, light an incense, pick some flowers, open a bottle of wine and voila! it feels like mine... 

I hadn't quite anticipated how quickly I would fall back in love with Bariloche, but it was instantaneous. I got butterflies in my stomach at the first sighting of Nahuel Huapi, and upon entering Mauro's house I was received again with open arms. This place has made an unrivaled impression on my heart, has left me with a sense of belonging, of community, and has ignited countless moments of soul fluttering happiness. I often catch myself wondering if this could really be 'mi lugar en el mundo'. I feel so comfortable here, so welcomed by the people I meet, so fulfilled by the friendships I have made, so inspired by the art and music and creativity that vibrates here. I am incredibly grateful to be able to call this place 'home', if only for a little while. These last two months have been a whirlwind of drums, rain, mountains, lakes, smiles, sunshine, campfires, dance parties, pink sunsets, picnics, hot days, cold water, laughter, clouds, moons, trees, blues, greens, reds, yellows, purples... 

Photo Journal December 2012- January 2013

drum circle in Bahia Serena, first sound recording for 'Proyecto Todos Juntos'
filming 'Todos Juntos'

afternoon stroll
Bahia Lopez con Santi
magical moment with the condors
slack lining

A second visit to Paso de las Nubes. FIN DEL MUNDO "if it all ends I want to be on the mountain" 12.21.12
oooh these little guys again!!

Day y Leo, los refugieros enamorados
ying yang
brother sister love
"homeless" Christmas dinner
and a visit from Papa Noel!
Luna y India y sus regalitos de Navidad

Christmas tamboreada con la luna atras

 mi casita nueva. new year, new home, first rental on my very own!
Maroncita. love coming home to this sweet face
Señora Clementina's garden

December 31, 2012 happy :)
New Year fogon en la playa, luna casi llena
dias en el muelle con Laurita y las gorditas :)
loves her mami

amor puro


days off from work... boating adventures on the Nahuel Huapi
Mt. Tronador dominating the scenery 
lanchita llena

surf gnar

tranka style

i caught dinner on this baby..

dinosaur egg


time lapse... sunset

moon over indian
camp. not a bad place to wake up
good morning sunshine


blue to green

asado on the beach. alto picnic
another day off. hike to Refugio Jakob

keep randomly finding these faces... coincidence??

yea, you know i'm jumping in there

Refugio Jakob


moments of risa between killing tabanos (horseflies)


last day of work! en la Berliiii
despedida celebrations

a little cumbia, obvio
January 27th, full moon Bahia Serena
luna llena con Juli
last day in Bariloche, cambio el lago por mar...

reunited with la Vicky :)

real estate dreams
a farewell mate. already miss that smile V ;)
peace out Bari. hasta la vuelta.
So once again Bariloche, I thank you for filling me with your love and beauty. You know I'll be back...
I will happily remember your cool shadows and Patagonian breezes when the heat of the tropics is smothering me under palm trees and jungle vines. Now on to the next adventure.... new country, new language, new music, new smells, new tastes, new dances. trading the mountains, lakes, coihues and lengas for sand, ocean, tropical fruits, palms, and surf boards... Viva Brazil 2013!

1 comment:

"There is no need to search; achievement leads nowhere. It makes no difference at all, so just be happy now! Love is the only reality of the world, because it is all One, you see. And the only laws are paradox, humor and change. There is no problem, never was, and never will be. Release your struggle, let go of your mind, throw away your concerns and relax into the world. No need to resist life; just do your best. Open your eyes and see that you are far more than you imagine. You are the world, you are the universe; you are yourself and everyone else too! It's all the marvelous play of God. Wake up, regain your humor. Don't worry, you are already free!" - Way of the Peaceful Warrior