Searing sunshine, wet snow, blue skies and bonfires by the lake...Springtime in Patagonia is in full bloom. The smell of asado lingers around every corner and it is officially acceptable to drink a cold cerveza anytime after 12 noon. But don't put away your warm clothes just yet because the shadows are like walking into a freezer, the clouds roll in, the wind rips across the lake and it just might snow again.

The end of ski season in Bariloche is
like the last few weeks of college; thought you know great things are
to come, it is just plain sad. The snow is melting by the hour, there
is a despedida every weekend, and one by one your
friends start to disappear, each moving on to their next seasonal job
or back home to make a new game plan. This being my first winter in
Bari, I had a hard time coping with the fact that it was coming to an
end. Regardless of the lack of snow, this was one of the best ski
seasons of my life and I could not have been happier to share these
past four months as a 'Catedral resident'. I have made lifetime
friends here that will outlast any snowfall and that amigos is what life and travel is all about.
empty Catedral |
ultima bajada, solita |
last view from the top |
no mans land |
down to the last drop |
sol y mate |
Fortunately we are blessed to have quite a few other activities here to help console that inevitable end of ski season depression...So fire up the parilla, grab the bathing suit (and a jacket for sunset), mate, thermos, guitar and head for the beach, backyard, brewery, or waterfront anything... Viva la primavera!
Caribbean or Nahuel Huapi? |
Anita taking the polar bear plunge |
glacier lake mermaid |
la dama Noe |
Bariloche has been a dream of mine for
year but I could have never imagined that is would make such a
powerful impact on my heart. There is something undeniably special
about this place, something far beyond the turquoise lakes, jagged
mountains and endless skies. There is an energy here that resonates
within me, a sense of comfort and familiarity that makes me feel at
home. I have purposely left much undone and much unexplored because
I know that I will be returning to this place time and time again and
want to have a new surprise for each visit. I fight back tears with
each and every goodbye, and as I set out for new adventures I
anxiously await the next return and that first glimpse of Nahuel
Huapi on the horizon. To all of you who have made me feel so loved
and welcomed here in Bariloche I am forever thankful. Thank you for
these unforgettable moments, they will stay with me forever.
crafty :) |
tea pot planters, genius |
Guanchan on the pariii |
Salud! |
Alto Asado Che! |
where the magic happens |
Bruno, the brewmaster |
just a bunch of happy folks :) |
las tias |
co-madres |
backyard playtime |
backyard feria |
backyard beats |
nothing but smiles Bariloche, until next time... |
A mi querido
Bariloche... Te despido con el corazon pesado pero con el alma lleno
de amor y gratitud. Gracias por la bienvenida y por la hospitalidad
que nunca me faltaba. Gracias por los pocos dias de polvo que me
regalaste y por las subidas a la laguna, por las vistas sin limites,
el paisaje maravilloso, por los condores que volaban por el Filo, por
el sol que me besaba la cara, por el viento qu
e soplaba a la espalda y
que siempre me guiaba. Gracias por los innumerables momentos
inolvidables y por las personas con quienes los comparti. Gracias por
la amistad y alegria que siempre me rodeaba- por las sonrisas, los
bailes, las brindas, las caminatas, las bajadas, las estrellas, las
nubes, las lunas llenas, por los chocolates y por los asados. Todos
esos momentos ya son parte de mi y yo soy parte de ellos. Te despido
por ahora Bariloche pero no sera la ultima vez... Hasta la
Love that you are growing so greatly ! so proud of you but miss you greatly !! travel safe little burro and call your mom!Love you most !