But I did it.
I still cannot say with certainty that I know exactly why I'm here but something tells me that if I am open and patient and if I listen quietly to the whispers in my soul and look carefully at the signs that surround me, I will awaken to the call that has lured me here for so many years.
On my second night I went with my Paraguayan hostel mate to a small little bar to hear some local music that had been recommended to her. The place was cozy and warm with dim lights and old brick walls decorated with family fiesta photos and eclectic worldly collections. The room quickly filled up with young porteños there to see their friends play. Around midnight, a group of chicos took the humble stage armed with a refreshing enthusiasm and quirky instruments.The evening was perfect, I felt like I was listening to a group of college friends at a late night house jam. On our way out the door, a postcard caught my eye; it was a print of a simple painting, lavander background with streaks of violet, yellow, fusia, blue and green. I enjoyed the colors so I put one in my purse and continued out into the cobblestone streets. The next evening, I pulled the card out to look at it again. On the back was a passage about the piece whose words gave me much comfort. I have translated the message for you, but the magic and sincerity of meaning is always a little lost in translation.
"Los caminos de la luz" -Maria Alejandro Ramos |
"Is there a start to the path? The search is constant. We believe that one creates their own path when in reality it was already there and all that remains is for us to go discover it. It is there waiting to be awakened, slowly manifesting itself before our eyes. Perhaps, as this visibility becomes more evident, more tangible, we realize that the road was always one. In essence always the same, in appearance never equal...The constant work, the evolution and deepening of this necessity and search for light carries you on a distinct course through the contemplation of the journeys, and of life itself."
The synchronicity of life never ceases to amaze me. The timing and relevance of those words in my life right now is inexplicable. There are messages all around us, little indications to let us know we are on the right track. Open your eyes to these tiny details and listen to that quiet but persistent voice in your head.
Fear not, all will be as it should.
With Love from Argentina,
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